- get
- get get [get] verb got PASTTENSE [gɒt ǁ gɑːt] got PASTPART gotten PASTPART [ˈgɒtn ǁ ˈgɑːtn] getting PRESPART1. [transitive] to receive a particular amount of money:
• Uganda continues to get about $100 million a year in foreign aid.
• The company still gets a good return on its investments.
2. to be given or obtain a job or work:• After university, Jonathan tried to get a job in journalism.
• They should be getting a lot of work through the Channel Tunnel project.
get something → across phrasal verb [transitive]to succeed in making people understand what you are telling them:• To get its message across, Reebok will boost its advertising budget this year to $220 million.
get ahead phrasal verb [intransitive]to be more successful than other people or companies who are doing similar work:• Working overseas is important to getting ahead in many companies.
get ahead of• The merger should allow the new company to get ahead of the competition.
get around something also get round phrasal verb [transitive]to find a way of dealing with a problem, especially by avoiding it altogether:• Gasoline was smuggled across the border to get around an international trade embargo.
• The US banks searched for ways to get round these restrictions.
get back to somebody phrasal verb [transitive]to talk or write to someone about something you had discussed together earlier:• I left my name and number so they could get back to me.
get by phrasal verb [intransitive]to manage to deal with a difficult situation, using whatever money, equipment etc you have; = manage:get by on/with• The Fed made several changes designed to make it easier for banks to get by on fewer reserves.
• In Microsoft Windows, you can get by with just 2 megabytes of memory.
get down to something phrasal verb [transitive]to finally start doing something that needs a lot of time or energy:• Conflicts in meetings disappear rapidly once you get down to the details.
get into something phrasal verb [transitive]to start working or trading in a particular product or service:• Many young people want to get into advertising or public relations.
get on with something phrasal verb [transitive]to make progress with a particular activity, plan etc:• The board leaves the management teams to get on with the day-to-day running of each business.
get out phrasal verb1. [intransitive] to stop investing in or making a particular product or performing a particular activity, usually because it is no longer making a profit:• Investors can get out early if trouble arises.
get out of• Most banks are now getting out of development finance.
2. [intransitive] to avoid meeting the terms of a contract, agreement etc:get out of• The company hopes the move will let it get out of costly gas supply contracts.
3. [transitive] get something out to succeed in producing something and making it available:• We must get those letters out on time.
• IBM wanted to get out a system that the novice could use.
to have an advantage over the people you are competing against:• The way to deal with the pressure is to get out ahead.
get round something phrasal verb [transitive]another name for getget through phrasal verb1. [intransitive] to succeed in making someone understand something, especially when this is difficult:• Including a joke gives your message impact and more chance of getting through.
get through to• The party seems unable to get through to young voters.
2. [intransitive] to succeed in having a plan, law etc approved by an official group:• His deficit reduction plan eventually got through Congress.
3. [intransitive] to succeed in reaching someone by telephone:• The brokers received so many phone calls that many investors couldn't get through.
get through to• It could take a client up to half an hour to get through to his dealer.
4. [transitive] get through something to deal with a large number of things in a particular order:• We never seem to get through all the items on the agenda.
5. [transitive] get through something to manage to come to the end of a difficult situation or experience:• The company got through a major restructuring without making any redundancies.
6. [transitive] get through something to use a lot of something or spend a lot of money:• He got through at least $500 every weekend.
7. [transitive] get through something FINANCE if the price of something gets through a particular level on a financial market, it rises above that level:• The failure of the dollar to get through 79.15 yen prompted the sudden sell-off.
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get UK US /get/ verb (-tt-, got, got, or US gotten)► [T] to obtain, buy, or earn something: »I think she gets about $40,000 a year.
get sth for sth »How much did he get for his business when he sold it?
► [T] to receive or be given something: get sth from sb/sth »The results we got from our market research team indicate that potential customers seem to like the new ad campaign.
► [I, usually + adv/prep] to reach a particular stage, condition, or time: get to sth »Your earnings increase hugely if you get to the top in the legal profession.
► [T] INFORMAL to pay for something: »I'll get the bill.
Financial and business terms. 2012.